Webinar to Highlight New Spot Spray Technology on Sept. 6

August 21, 2023

Webinar to Highlight New Spot Spray Technology on Sept. 6

Sprayer near field
Executives and agronomists from numerous farm implement and ag tech companies will share information and address stakeholder questions about utilizing spot spray technologies during the upcoming free webinar. (USDA/Flicker)

Ag producers and industry professionals are invited to attend a virtual seminar featuring new targeted spray technologies on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023, via Zoom.

Free to attend, the webinar will feature presentations on real-time, camera-based weed detection systems, including the John Deere See and Spray Ultimate, designed by Blue River Technology, One Smart Spray (Bosch-BASF) and Greeneye Technology. Executives and agronomists from these and other companies will share information and address stakeholder questions about utilizing the innovative weed control technology during the webinar, presented by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Kansas State University.

The webinar will begin at noon and conclude at 2 p.m. CST on Sept. 6. Presentations will include:

  • Rodrigo Werle, University of Wisconsin-Madison, “Welcome to our Extension Webinar and Stakeholder Perception on Targeted Spraying Technologies: Survey Results.”
  • William Patzoldt, Blue River Technology John Deere, “See and Spray™ Ultimate — A New Tool for Weed Management.”
  • Matt Leininger, One Smart Spray, “The ONE Integrated Reliable Solution for Smart Weed Control.”
  • Nadav Bocher, Greeneye Technology, “Precision Spraying — How to Maximize Savings and Efficacy Through an Aftermarket Approach.”
  • Tom Wolf, Agrimetrix Research and Training and Sprayers 101, “What Does Spot Spray Success Look Like?”

All are welcome to attend, and participants should register online by Friday, Sept. 1, 2022. Certified Crop Advisor Integrated Pest Management CEUs (two) are available for participating.

More information about the webinar is available online or by contacting Rodrigo Werle. Download the event flyer.

This webinar is being organized by Rodrigo Werle and Glenn Nice, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Chris Proctor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; and Anita Dille, Kansas State University, as part of a research and education grant funded by the National Corn Growers Association and the North Central Soybean Research Program.

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