After a two-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the Fremont Corn Expo is returning on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2023. The event is being held at the Christensen Field Main Arena in Fremont and is open to the public.

The expo will start with a complimentary breakfast sponsored by the Fremont Area Chamber of Commerce Agricultural Business and Natural Resources Council at 7:45 a.m. Speaking sessions will then begin at 8:30 a.m., with breaks for visiting exhibitors throughout the event and a lunch sponsored by the Nebraska Corn Board at noon. The expo will run until 3 p.m., with various presenters from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
The Fremont Corn Expo has been delivering useful corn production information since 2004. The event has served as a way to bring the public, producers, agriculture industry and faculty from the University of Nebraska together to discuss important topics to the region. This year, presenters will cover a range of relevant topics for 2023. This will include economic updates in a presentation by Dr. Cory Walters and Glennis McClure titled “Higher Costs, Higher Risks”. They will be followed by a presentation titled “Corn Production Practices for Soil Health” by Dr. Katja Koehler-Cole.
Other presentations will include “2023 Corn Disease Outlook” by Dr. Dylan Mangel and “The Latest in Precision and Digital Agriculture” by Dr. Joe Luck. In addition to these presentations, there will be remarks by the Nebraska Corn Board, the Nebraska Corn Growers Association and the Dodge County Farm Bureau.
Pre-registration for the event is not required, and all who are interested in corn production in the region are invited to attend.
For more information about the program or if you have questions, please contact Nate Dorsey at 402-727-2775. Additional information and a detailed program can also be found on the Dodge County Extension website.