FarmBits Explores Precision Irrigation, Imagery Technology

January 5, 2023

FarmBits Explores Precision Irrigation, Imagery Technology

By Kelsey Swantek - FarmBits Podcast Host

In the fall 2022 season, the FarmBits host team welcomed four news hosts from different areas of UNL’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. In interviews with seven new companies and two of UNL’s own researchers, the FarmBits Podcast took a deeper look at precision irrigation technologies and explored imagery services and use this past fall. As always, there are a lot of really interesting advancements in the agricultural industry and the team is excited to share a few more of them with you next season.

Links to the fall episodes can be found below.

The new spring season of FarmBits will air weekly episodes, focused on precision livestock technologies and pest management, starting Jan. 19, 2023. The FarmBits Podcast can be found on all major podcast platforms and YouTube. If you’re interested in learning more about digital and precision agriculture, be sure to subscribe wherever you listen.

FarmBits can be reached on all social media platforms @UNLFarmBits, or by email with questions, comments, or new guest and content suggestions. Visit the FarmBits website for more information.

Fall Series Episodes

Episode 077: Above Agriculture with Planet Imagery

Satellite imagery can provide a better view of the field from above and help growers in making decisions for crop management. Planet is a company that provides high-resolution satellite imagery from preseason to harvest, measuring crop health and giving insights to improve agricultural practices. In this episode, FarmBits hosts Natasha Umezu and Taylor Cross interviewed Misty Tucker, Planet's agriculture investigator. Tucker talks about their resources and how they can improve farm operations, the storability of archive images, and how the company faces its challenges. Tune in to this exciting episode to learn more about satellite imagery and how Planet is helping to improve agricultural practices.

Watch Ep 077

Misty Tucker mug

Episode 078: Irrigation Analytics with Nave

FarmBits hosts Jose Cesario and Natasha Umezu welcome Jessica Korinek, president CEO of Nave Analytics, Inc., to this episode of the FarmBits podcast. Nave Analytics is a data coherence hub and delivery system powering versatile digital tools to support irrigation operations so growers and land managers can become more deliberate with their irrigation decisions. In this episode, Korinek discusses these challenges, the origin of Nave Analytics, how Nave Analytics navigates and operates irrigation, and her vision for the future of Nave Analytics. Tune in to this interesting episode to learn more about how Nave Analytics is supporting growers with their irrigation decisions.

Watch Ep 078

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Episode 079: Enhanced Irrigation with FieldNET

FarmBits hosts Emily Hanson and Deepak Ghimire talk with Reece Andrews, a product manager at Lindsay Corporation. Lindsay Corporation's Zimmatic pivots and FieldNET products allow producers to improve their irrigation management by using remote monitoring and control. In this episode, Andrews talks about some of the different products Lindsay has and how FieldNET has helped with precision irrigation. Tune into this episode to learn more about what Lindsay has to offer for irrigation management.

Watch Ep 079

Reece Andrews mug

Episode 080: More than Irrigation with Autonomous Pivot

FarmBits Hosts Jose Cesario and Katie Bathke sit down with Daniel Jenkins, business development manager of Autonomous Pivot, to talk more about the various applications within digital technology for irrigation management. Autonomous Pivot transforms center-pivot irrigation systems into an intelligent, AI-driven robotic platform that can improve farming returns. Listen here as Jenkins talks with us about Autonomous Pivot and its solutions for improving water management. If you have been interested with implementing digital technologies at any point within the growing season, this episode is well worth the listen.

Watch Ep 080

Daniel Jenkins mug

Episode 081: UAVs — The Power of Precision Ag

On this FarmBits episode, hosts Deepak Ghimire and Kelsey Swantek meet with Dr. Yeyin Shi, UNL assistant professor and agricultural information systems engineer, to highlight the uses and importance of UAV and remote sensing technology. Although she grew up in an urban setting, Dr. Shi's interest in agriculture rooted from school field trips to rural ag communities back home in China. In this episode, Dr. Shi talks about the use of UAVs in agricultural research, pros and cons of UAVs over satellite imagery, and other interesting perspectives on ag technologies. Check out this episode to learn more about UAVs and their significance in digital agriculture realm.

Watch Ep 081

Yeyin Shi mug

Episode 082: Irrigation in the Age of Digital Ag

Hosts Emily Hanson and Katie Bathke meet with Dr. Derek Heeren, UNL associate professor and irrigation engineer, to highlight irrigation management. Dr. Heeren has a passion for preparing students to be wise managers of irrigation, water resources, and agricultural engineering. n this episode, Dr. Heeren talks about the use of research-based technology being incorporated to irrigation management, research projects being conducted at UNL, and the future of ag technologies in irrigation management. Check out this episode to learn more about agriculture technologies for irrigation technologies in the digital agriculture realm.

Watch Ep 082

Derek Heeren mug

Episode 083: Digging up Data with NinjaAg

FarmBits hosts Deepak Ghimire and Jose Cesario welcome Courtney Arnall and Brian Arnall from NinjaAg LLC to talk about the imagery and precision fertility management. Ninja Ag delivers corrected NDVI imagery, customizable and scalable fertility recommendations, and yield potential and ROI data. In this episode, Brian and Courtney discusses about the science behind the NinjaAg recommendation system and how their services are providing practical, scalable and economical solution to the challenges of precision fertilizer management. Tune in to this exciting episode to learn more about NDVI imagery and how NinjaAg is helping to improve agricultural practices.

Watch Ep 083

Courtney Arnall and Brian Arnall mugs

Episode 084: Sentinel Solutions

In this two-part episode, previous co-host Jackson Stansell, founder and CEO of Sentinel Fertigation, sits down with FarmBits hosts Taylor Cross and Kelsey Swantek to learn more about this new startup in the fertigation industry. Sentinel Fertigation is utilizing satellite imagery to help assist farmers in better N management strategies through fertigation. With previous years of research done here at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln through on-farm research, Stansell has seen these methods improve productivity and profitability in many operations across Nebraska. Stansell has taken his research as a graduate student in agricultural engineering and developed a decision-making support software to increase nitrogen use efficiency. Listen to this episode to learn more about Sentinel's N-Time product offerings and how digital tools like this one could benefit your operation.

Watch Ep 084, Part 1 Watch Ep 084, Part 2

Jackson Stansell mug

Episode 085: Insightful Irrigation from Valley

On this episode, hosts Taylor Cross and Emily Hanson sit down with Darren Siekman, vice president and general manager of international irrigation at Valmont. Starting in the late 1940s, Valley has been focused on irrigation since the company's start and continue to expand their markets today with digital technologies for their customers. Siekman talks about the technology Valley has available and how it is benefiting producers on their own operations. Tune into this episode to learn more about what Valley has to offer for irrigation technology.

Watch Ep 085

Darren Siekman mug

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