Producers and other ag industry stakeholders are invited to attend the Haskell Ag Lab’s Soil Health School on Aug. 1-2 in Concord, Nebraska.
The Haskell Ag Lab Soil Health School is a collaborative event with Nebraska Extension, North Central Region’s Soil Health Nexus, and the Nebraska NRCS. It will cover many aspects of the science related to soil health, including foundational soil health principles, the evaluation of soil health management practices, and many soil health investigations and demonstrations.
The two-day long event is filled with speakers, hands-on activities, and student poster presentations. Both full days are free to attend and include a full lunch and refreshments. The first day, Aug. 1, will be 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the second day, Aug. 2, will be 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Topics include:
- Live soil health demonstrations
- Observing life in the soil
- Lysimeters
- Cover crops
- Economics
- Manure
- Biological product research
- Rainfall simulator
- Methods for showing root growth
- Livestock integration
- Importance of legumes in rotation
The full agenda and registration is available on the event site.
- A full lunch and refreshments will be provided both full days.
- 11 Certified Crop Advisor Continuing Education Units have been requested.
- There is no fee to attend.
- Pre-register by July 15.
For more information or questions, email Leslie Johnson or Katja Koehler-Cole.