The public is invited to attend this fall’s free Agronomy and Horticulture seminar series, presented at 3:30 p.m. CST/CDT in Keim Hall, Room 150 (unless otherwise noted). All seminars will be streamed live on Zoom and recorded as well, for on-demand viewing in the Agronomy and Horticulture archives.
Seminar Dates and Topics
- Sept. 9: “Exploring Co-learning in Agroecology” — Charles “Chuck” Francis, professor emeritus, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
- Sept. 16: “What’s Light Got To Do With It? Exploring the Role of Plant-reflected Light in Crop Yield Loss and Weed Management” — Andrew Kniss, department head and professor of weed science, Department of Plant Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie.
- Sept. 23: “We Are Growable: Developing Systems Thinking Through Games” — Jenny Keshwani, associate professor, Department of Biological Systems Engineering and a science literacy specialist, Nebraska Extension, UNL.
- Sept. 30: “Transforming Agriculture Research Through Digital On-farm Research” — Laura Thompson, extension educator, Nebraska Extension, UNL.
- Oct. 7: “Communicating Science to Public Audiences” — Heather Akin, assistant professor, Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication, UNL.
- Oct. 14: “Attaining Efficacy, Crop Safety, and Sustainability in Cropping Systems: What’s New in the Weed Management Toolbox?” — Ramdas Kanissery, assistant professor and weed scientist, Department of Horticulture Sciences, Southwest Florida Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Gainesville.
- Oct. 21: “Tackling Nitrogen as Necessary Evil: Impacts on Nebraska’s Cropping System and Water Quality” — Javed Iqbal, assistant professor and extension specialist of soil nutrient management and water quality, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL.
- Oct. 28: “Collaborative Learning in Plants, Landscapes, and the Environment (PLAS 100) Online” — McKinzie Sutter, online lecturer, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL. Note: This presentation will be in-person and streamed, but not recorded.
- Nov. 4: “How Do They Survive That? Stress Response in Agrostis” — Keenan Amundsen, professor of turfgrass genetics, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, UNL.
- Nov. 11: “Computational Agronomy to Support Farmer Decision-making” — Juan Rattalino, digital agronomy development lead, Global Seeds at Syngenta Group. Note: This presentation will be in-person only.
- Nov. 18: “Using Incentive-based Management Tools to Help Achieve Groundwater Sustainability Goals” — Renata Rimsaite, water markets program manager, Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute, National Drought Mitigation Center, UNL.
- Dec. 2: "Irrigation Across the Great Plains" — Derek Heeren, associate professor and irrigation engineer, and Saleh Taghvaeian, associate professor and irrigation and water resources engineer, Department of Biological Systems Engineering, UNL.
- Dec. 9: “Omic Approaches to Decipher Crop Responses to Arthropod Pests” — Lise Pingault, senior research associate, Department of Entomology, UNL.
![Seminar Series brochure](/sites/