Farm and Ranch Transition Planning Workshop Added to ‘Herd That!’ Conference

August 10, 2022

Farm and Ranch Transition Planning Workshop Added to ‘Herd That!’ Conference

The new pre-conference workshop on Sept. 20 will offer tools and strategies to develop a transition plan for a farm or ranch operation.

The second annual Herd That! Conference has added a farm and ranch transition workshop to the September event, presented by the Nebraska Women in Agriculture program and the Nebraska Beef Quality Assurance program.

The pre-conference workshop offering tools and strategies to develop a transition plan for a farm or ranch operation will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20 at the Custer County Fairgrounds, 44100 Memorial Dr. It will be presented by Allan Vyhnalek, a Nebraska Extension educator, and Pamela Epp Olsen, an attorney based in Scottsbluff. They will discuss best practices, common mistakes, essential considerations and more related to developing an effective transition or succession plan.

The main day of conference sessions — from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 21 at the One Box Convention Center, 2750 S. 27th Ave., Broken Bow, Nebraska — will feature a variety of speakers and topics. Participants will learn from industry experts as well as Nebraska Extension professionals. Topics will include market outlooks, livestock insurance, veterinarian practices and more. Keynote speakers will be Courtenay DeHoff, founder of Fancy Lady Cowgirl, and ShayLe Stewart, a livestock analyst with DTN.

Led by Dr. Ron Gill, of Texas A&M University stockman, and Dr. Ruth Woiwode, a University of Nebraska-Lincoln animal behavior specialist, the cattle handling demonstration will be one of the highlights of the conference. Participants will learn about the importance and ease of low-stress cattle handling and facility design.

The conference will also offer Veterinary Medicine Continuing Education (CE) Credits to eligible participants, including any veterinarian or veterinary technician licensed in Nebraska. Conference sessions offering CE credits will include sessions on chute safety and veterinary emergencies, as well as the cattle handling demonstration.

The cost to attend the conference is $75 for participants who register on or before Monday, Sept. 5. Registration increases to $90 on Tuesday, Sept. 6. The cost to attend the pre-conference transition workshop is $20 per person. The cattle handling demonstration from 2 to 4 p.m. at the fairgrounds is also open to anyone who is not attending the full conference, at a cost of $20.

The full agenda and registration for the event are available on the Nebraska Women in Agriculture website.

This material is based upon work supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021-70027-34694.

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