The University of Nebraska-Lincoln High Plains Ag Lab (HPAL) Field Day, scheduled for Wednesday, June 22, will highlight UNL research on dryland crops.
Current research and varieties of peas, winter and spring wheat, and barley will be showcased in our tour of HPAL and will conclude with lunch.
Registration starts at 8:30 a.m. at the shop and the tour will begin at 9 a.m. Lunch will be provided and will be served after the tour.
Tour Topics and Speakers:
- Field pea variety tour (Dipak Santra, UNL alternative crops breeding specialist)
- CoAXium Wheat (Cody Creech, UNL, and Chad Shelton, Albaugh, LLC)
- Wheat TAPS (Cody Creech, UNL dryland cropping specialist and Jessica Groskopf, UNL ag economist)
- Wheat Fertility (Bijesh Maharjan, UNL soil and nutrient management specialist)
- Barley Project (Cody Creech and Amanda Easterly, UNL assistant research professor)
- Spring Wheat Variety Trial and Plant Date (Amanda Easterly)
- Wheat Stem Sawfly (Jeff Bradshaw, UNL entomologist)
- Winter Wheat Variety Trial (Amanda Easterly and Katherine Frels, UNL)
- Wheat Row Spacing and Population (Maria Melo Sciencia, UNL)
To get to the High Plains Ag Lab office, take U.S. 385 to the Huntsman Elevator (six miles north of Sidney or seven miles south of Gurley), then drive about two miles west, then one-half mile north. The shop where the tour will start is about one-half mile east of the office.