The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Crop Performance Testing program will sponsor wheat variety trial field tours in seven locations across Nebraska, from Fairbury to Hemingford, from June 8-17.
For those who are unable to attend scheduled in-person events, the plots will be labeled up to a week in advance of the scheduled tour, and the signs will remain until harvest.
Dates, times, locations and directions for the field days:

JUNE 8, Fairbury: Mark Knobel Farm. 6:30- 8 p.m. CDT. Directions: From Fairbury, east on Highway 136, then north on 571st Ave. Field is on the southeast corner of 716th Road and 571st Ave. Self-guided or digital tours available for those who can’t make the scheduled field tour.
June 14, Grant: UNL Stumpf International Wheat Center, 10 a.m. MDT: Field tours and research updates by specialists and educators, followed by lunch. Please RSVP on the registration page or call 308-696-6727. Directions: From Grant, north on Hwy 61, then west on Rd 761. Turn south on Rd 329. Plot is due east of the Stumpf Farm Building/Perkins County Extension Office.
June 14, McCook: Peters Seed Farm. 5 p.m. CDT: Tour of both winter and spring wheat variety trials followed by supper. Meet at seed plant (71321 Road 378, McCook) and travel to plot from there. Directions: From Culbertson, south on Hwy 17 for five miles. Turn east on Road 713. Plot is approximately 3.5 miles from the highway on the south side of the road (1/2 mile east of the Peters Seed Farm HQ).
June 15, Sidney: UNL High Plains Ag Lab, 3 p.m. MDT: Wheat tour is part of the 50th (+1) Anniversary Celebration. 3 p.m. pea variety tour, then wheat plot tours/presentations begin at 4 p.m., followed by supper, Tailgate Expo, and family events. Directions: From Sidney, north on Hwy 385 and turn west on Rd 32 (at the Huntsman Elevator). Turn north on Rd 111; in 1/3 mile head west on Rd 32N, which will loop slightly. Meet at shop on Road 32N and park on north side of road.
June 16, Banner County: Wyatt Farm. 10 a.m. MDT: Donuts and wheat variety tour. Directions: From the intersection of Hwy 71 and Hwy 4A (that goes to Harrisburg), just over 2 miles west, on the north side of the field.
June 16, Hemingford: Cullan Seed Farm, 3 p.m. MDT. Irrigated plot tour followed by dryland plot tour at 5 p.m., followed by supper at Cullan Seed Farm Shop. Directions: Irrigated plot is about 2 ½ miles south of Hemingford off Hwy 2. Plot is the second pivot from the highway on the north side of Franklin Road. Dryland plot is about five miles south of Hemingford on Hwy 2 at the southwest corner of Road 67 and Hall Road.
June 17, Chappell: V&F Farms, 10 a.m. MDT: Donuts and wheat variety tour. Directions: From Chappell, west on Hwy 30 then north 5 3/4 miles on Rd 189 at the intersection of Road 189 and Road 24.
Questions: Cody Creech or Amanda Easterly.