Based on Oct. 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2021 corn production is forecast at a record 1.82 billion bushels, up 2% from last year's production, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service. Area to be harvested for grain, at 9.60 million acres, is down 3% from a year ago. Yield is forecast at 190 bushels per acre, up 10 bushels from last year.
Sorghum for grain is forecast at 21.5 million bushels, up 57% from last year. Area for harvest, at 265,000 acres, is up 77% from 2020. Yield is forecast at 81 bushels per acre, down 10 bushels from last year.
Soybean production is forecast at a record 339 million bushels, up 13% from last year. Area for harvest, at 5.55 million acres, is up 8% from 2020. Yield is forecast at a record 61 bushels per acre, up 3.0 bushels from last year.
Dry edible bean production is forecast at 2.79 million cwt, down 23% from 2020. Area for harvest, at 108,000 acres, is down 32% from last year. Yield is estimated at 2,580 pounds, up 310 pounds per acre from last year.
Sugarbeet production is forecast at 1.30 million tons, down 9% from 2020. Area for harvest, at 43,600 acres, is down 5% from last year. Yield is estimated at 29.7 tons per acre, down 1.3 tons per acre from a year ago.
All sunflower production is forecast at 26.9 million pounds, down 50% from last year. Acreage for harvest, at 39,000 acres, is down 9,000 acres from 2020. Yield is forecast at 688 pounds per acre, down 441 pounds per acre from a year ago. Of the acres for harvest, non-oil sunflowers account for 6,000 acres and oil sunflowers account for 33,000 acres.
Alfalfa hay production, at 3.74 million tons, is up 15% from last year. Area for harvest, at 960,000 acres, is up 12% from a year ago. Yield of 3.90 tons per acre is up 0.10 ton per acre from 2020. All other hay production, at 2.48 million tons, is down 20% from last year. Area for harvest, at 1.55 million acres, is down 18% from a year ago. Yield of 1.60 tons per acre is down 0.05 ton from 2020.