Track Stripe and Leaf Rust in Winter Wheat Across Nebraska

May 10, 2023

Track Stripe and Leaf Rust in Winter Wheat Across Nebraska

By Nathan Mueller - USDA NRCS, State Soil Health Specialist, Stephen Wegulo - Extension Plant Pathologist, Kyle Broderick - Extension Educator and Coordinator of the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic, Samantha Daniel - Extension Educator

Stripe rust
Figure 1. Stripe rust. (Photo by Nathan Mueller)
Leaf rust
Figure 2. Leaf rust. (Photo by Nathan Mueller)

In 2020, we launched a new effort to track the movement of wheat stripe and leaf rust by county across Nebraska. We want to continue this effort again in 2023. Please contribute to the rust tracking map by completing the quick survey as the growing season progresses. We do ask you to complete the survey even if you have not observed stripe or leaf rust yet. You will be answering several questions and with an option to upload a photo(s) as a part of this survey to track the distribution of stripe and leaf rust in Nebraska by county. Once you have completed the survey, you can view and download a PDF copy of what you submitted in your web browser, and you will receive a confirmation email too.

Thank you for your help in tracking the movement of stripe and leaf rust in Nebraska!

The weekly distribution map resulting from this survey will be posted on the CropWatch Wheat Disease Management page.

Complete the survey

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