Private Pesticide Training Offered by Zoom

February 4, 2021

Private Pesticide Training Offered by Zoom

By Wayne Ohnesorg - Extension Educator

Nebraska Extension in Northeast and Northcentral Nebraska will be offering four private pesticide applicator trainings by Zoom in March and April. Each one will have a different agricultural area of focus. The areas to be focused on are corn, soybean, pasture and wheat/alfalfa.

A few different steps will be required to attend these trainings.

  1. Preregistration will be required. Register at the following links:
  2. March 8 at 6 p.m. — Soybean
  3. March 25 at 1 p.m. — Pasture
  4. -->
  5. April 9 at 9 a.m. — Wheat/Alfalfa
  6. Training materials will need to be picked up at a County Extension Office prior to training.
  7. Nebraska Department of Agriculture paper will need to be filled out and submitted when training materials are picked up.
  8. The training fee of $50 will need to be paid when training materials are picked up.
  9. Attend and participate in the training session for which you are registered.

No certification will be initiated unless all five steps are completed. Individuals outside of the Northeast and Northcentral regions are welcome to attend, but they should contact their local extension office first to see if training materials are available.

Each training will offer individuals the opportunity to pick one of the special topics. Those being offered are:

March 1 — Corn
  • Tar Spot and Bacterial Leaf Streak
  • Western Corn Rootworm
  • Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp
March 8 — Soybean
  • Frogeye Leaf Spot, Soybean Cyst Nematode, White Mold
  • Soybean Gall Midge
  • Palmer Amaranth and Waterhemp
March 25 — Pasture
  • Thistle ID and Management
  • Pocket Gophers & Prairie Dogs
  • Grasshopper Management
April 9 — Wheat/Alfalfa
  • Fungicides and Wheat
  • Insecticides in Alfalfa
  • Weed Management in Alfalfa

For questions regarding the trainings, contact one the organizers below:

  • Aaron Nygren, Nebraska Extension in Colfax County; by email or 402-352-3821
  • Amy Timmerman, Nebraska Extension in Holt County; by email or 402-336-2760
  • Melissa Bartels, Nebraska Extension in Butler County; by email or 402-367-7410
  • Mitiku Mamo, Nebraska Extension in Dixon County; by email or 402-584-2234
  • Troy Ingram, Nebraska Extension in Valley County; by email or 308-754-5422
  • Wayne Ohnesorg, Nebraska Extension in Madison County; by email or 402-370-4040

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