#NField Observations for September 2021
Each week Nebraska Extension professionals share their field observations on Twitter. You can find these reports by searching the hashtag #NField on Twitter or by checking back here.
#NField Reports - Sept. 18.-Oct. 1, 2021
This week, Ben Beckman discusses using legumes in short pastures next spring.
Short pastures may be an opportunity for legumes next spring. Have you considered how management now may affect interseeding later? #Nfield
— Ben Beckman (@HuskerHerdsman) September 18, 2021
Competition limits new legumes
Graze hard now to give legumes a leg up in the spring
Check for pH and P too@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch pic.twitter.com/RDChJACH2V
#NField Reports - Sept. 3.-Sept. 17, 2021
This week, Ben Beckman talks about nitrate build up in drought stressed plants as well as reasons to consider windrow grazing to reduce feed costs.
Nitrates can build up in drought stressed plants. With some rainfall recently, will they go away? #Nfield
— Ben Beckman (@HuskerHerdsman) September 4, 2021
Lower portion of the stem is highest risk
Resumed growth can lower nitrates naturally
Test anything still questionable (not growing/stunted)@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch pic.twitter.com/baI0i1LJrp
feed costs while still maintaining quality? Windrow grazing may be an option to consider! #Nfield
— Ben Beckman (@HuskerHerdsman) September 11, 2021
Low precip areas and fall/winter = ideal time
Tall, cured windrows are best (quality similar to bales)
Feed 2-7 days worth to minimize waste@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch pic.twitter.com/edSdWmNfAz
#NField Reports - Aug. 28.-Sept. 2, 2021
This week, Nebraska Extension Educator Melissa Bartels highlights the importance of scouting early and often for fall armyworms, and what to do once they've been spotted.
Is it the very hungry caterpillar or an army of fall armyworms? #Nfield
— Melissa Bartels (@Crops_MelissaB) August 28, 2021
Fall armyworms have been reported causing significant damage in some southeastern Nebraska #alfalfa fields this past week. @HuskerHerdsman @ForagesGuy @UNL_CropWatch @croptechcafe pic.twitter.com/VWH5raO13Z
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