#NField Observations for July 2021

July 21, 2021

#NField Observations for July 2021

Each week Nebraska Extension professionals share their field observations on Twitter. You can find these reports by searching the hashtag #NField on Twitter or by checking back here.

#NField Reports - July 24-July 31, 2021

This week, Nebraska Extension Educator Brad Schick explains how to take control of alfalfa weeds in the summer.

Controlling weeds in #alfalfa during the summer can be done! #Nfield

Good fertility program including correct pH
Delay cutting so next shoots get a stronghold (reduces quality though)
Herbicide treatments
@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch @HuskerHerdsman pic.twitter.com/ikZyuQRIpt

— Brad Schick (@ForagesGuy) July 24, 2021

#NField Reports - July 17-July 23, 2021

This week, Nebraska Extension Educator Ben Beckman chats about the versatility and quality of oats as a fall forage crop.

#Oats might be one of the most underappreciated fall forage crops; versatile, high quality and quantity forage. #Nfield
Early August plant = max yield
High quality may mean tetany, watch out
3 bu/ac rate, graze in 6-8 weeks@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch @ForagesGuy pic.twitter.com/di1092b9m9

— Ben Beckman (@HuskerHerdsman) July 17, 2021

#NField Reports - July 10-July 16, 2021

This week, Nebraska Extension Range and Forage Specialist Jerry Volesky shares his tips on producing quality hay from summer annual grasses like sorghum-sudangrass hybrids, forage sorghum and pearl millet.

Summer annual forages are great yield producers, but managing them for hay can be tricky. Dr. Jerry Volesky shares some tricks on #Nfield!

Cut High
Cut Early
Crimp@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch @ForagesGuy pic.twitter.com/Mly9RBYw0V

— Ben Beckman (@HuskerHerdsman) July 10, 2021

#NField Reports - July 1-July 9, 2021

This week, Nebraska Extension Educator Brad Schick reviews replant/new plant options for crops that have been affected by hail damage.

After assessing #hail damage to crops, what are the options? #Nfield has some for everyone!

Check with Crop Insurance
Adhere to herbicide labels for #forage crops
Graze/hay to avoid prussic acid or nitrates @UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch @HuskerHerdsman pic.twitter.com/F26u9pCci6

— Brad Schick (@ForagesGuy) July 3, 2021

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