Each week Nebraska Extension professionals share their field observations on Twitter. You can find these reports by searching the hashtag #NField on Twitter or by checking back here.
#NField Reports - Aug. 21-Aug. 27, 2021
This week, Nebraska Extension Educator Ben Beckman discusses what to do — or not do — about the late summer weeds standing out in pastures.
Pasture weeds stand out in late summer, but is control now worthwhile? #Nfield
— Ben Beckman (@HuskerHerdsman) August 21, 2021
Spray earlier when plants are smaller and before seed for control
Perennials that need round 2 are better closer to the first frost@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch @ForagesGuy pic.twitter.com/QlM8HVeJma
#NField Reports - Aug. 14-Aug. 20, 2021
This week, Nebraska Extension Educator Brad Schick chats about the importance of covering your corn silage piles.
A lot of and goes into making #silage. Covering the pile will help return more of that investment. #Nfield
— Brad Schick (@ForagesGuy) August 14, 2021
Minimum of 3% loss of silage in top 3 feet w/o cover
Good cover is a 8:1 return on investment@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch @HuskerHerdsman
@Crops_MelissaB pic.twitter.com/TtCgbO99oE
#NField Reports - Aug. 7-Aug. 13, 2021
This week, Nebraska Extension Educator Ben Beckman explains the merits of taking the hay square out to your alfalfa fields this fall.
#Alfalfa evaluation is a spring activity, but is a look this fall worth the time? #Nfield
— Ben Beckman (@HuskerHerdsman) August 7, 2021
Use a hay square & count stems/plants
10-15 plants or 35-55 stems/sq ft in new stands
>55 stems/sq ft in established stands@ForagesGuy @UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch @Crops_MelissaB pic.twitter.com/l5dfLTL4p5
#NField Reports - Aug.1-Aug. 6, 2021
This week, Nebraska Extension Educator Ben Beckman chats about the importance of managing toxicity risks in regrowth of summer annuals like sorghum and sudangrass.
Summer annuals are great when we get regrowth for a 2nd harvest, but we need to manage risks. #Nfield
— Ben Beckman (@HuskerHerdsman) July 31, 2021
☠️Prussic acid=>15"Sudangrass & >18" Forage Sorghum/hybrids (true regrowth length)
Nitrates=cut/graze high/ensile/test@UNLBeef @UNL_CropWatch @ForagesGuy @Crops_MelissaB pic.twitter.com/mwEp58CpLW