Disease Reports from the UNL Diagnostic Clinic — June 30

July 1, 2021

Disease Reports from the UNL Diagnostic Clinic — June 30

By Kyle Broderick - Extension Educator and Coordinator of the UNL Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

Rhizoctonia root rot of soybeans
Photo 1. Rhizoctonia root rot of soybeans. Lesions near the soil line tend to be sunken and dry.

The following diseases were reported in samples submitted to the UNL Plant & Pest Diagnostic Lab from June 15-June 30.

Figure 1.
Reporting districts


East District — Phytophthora root and stem rot, Rhizoctonia damping off, Fusarium root rot, Phyllosticta leaf spot

Southeast District — Phytophthora root and stem rot, Rhizoctonia damping off

North District — Rhizoctonia damping off, Bacterial blight


East District — Fusarium root rot

Southeast District — Rhizoctonia damping off, Fusarium root rot

South District — Fusarium root rot

Bleached wheat head comparison
Photo 3. Bleached wheat head with Fusarium Head Blight (left) and healthy wheat head (right).
Wilted corn plant
Photo 2. Corn plant wilting due to Fusarium root and crown rot.


East District — Wheat streak mosaic virus, Septoria leaf spot, Tan spot, Black Chaff, Stripe rust, Leaf rust

Southeast District — Wheat streak mosaic virus, Tan spot, Septoria leaf spot

Southwest District — Wheat streak mosaic virus, Black chaff

South District — Wheat streak mosaic virus, Fusarium Head Blight


Find more information and photos about each of these diseases in the Crop Disease Management section of CropWatch for WheatSoybean, and Corn. If you'd like to submit a sample to the clinic for diagnosis, check out this CW story, Quality Samples Lead to Better Diagnosis, for tips on packaging and sending samples.

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