Take Action Free Webinar Series: Weed & Herbicide Management

February 24, 2020

Take Action Free Webinar Series: Weed & Herbicide Management


Management of herbicide-resistant weeds in corn-soybean cropping systems is a challenge for Nebraska growers. Six weeds have evolved resistant to glyphosate in Nebraska and particularly glyphosate-resistant marestail (horseweed), waterhemp, and Palmer amaranth are widespread in eastern Nebraska and kochia in western Nebraska. The United Soybean Board (USB) Take Action initiative and university weed scientists across the Midwestern United States have developed a free webinar series covering various weed and herbicide management topics. Each webinar will have two weed scientists giving presentations for about 15 minutes and there is opportunity for viewers to ask questions via the web portal. Recorded webinars can be viewed at a later date by following the links below.

Every Thursday, February 27 to March 26, 10 am CST.

Location: online
Cost: Free

Register weekly at http://iwilltakeaction.com (bottom of the page).

February 27

Pat Tranel, University of Illinois – metabolism-based resistance, multiple resistance, etc.

Amit Jhala, University of Nebraska-Lincoln – Pollen-mediated gene flow and transfer of herbicide-resistance weeds

March 5

Tom Peters, North Dakota State University – status of research on electricity methods

John Wallace, Penn State University – Cover crops and weed suppression

March 12

Bryan Young, Purdue University – drift retardants, volatility

Bill Johnson, Purdue University – Herbicide mixing & antagonism, volunteer corn issues

March 19

Kevin Bradley, University of Missouri – status of on-combine seed destruction technologies

Joe Ikley, North Dakota State University – Enlist One, Enlist DUO tank-mixing issues in Enlist technology

March 26

Mandy Bish, University of Missouri – temperature inversions, weather effects on dicamba off-target movement

Bryan Young, Purdue University – dicamba off-target movement research

To attend these free webinars, register weekly at http://iwilltakeaction.com (bottom of the page).

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