Melissa Bartels
Extension Educator Butler & Polk Counties
Bean harvest is wrapping up in Butler and Polk County. A wide range of yields have been reported for both dryland and irrigated fields. For dryland beans, yields were 30 to 60 bu/ac and irrigated bean, yields were 65 to upper 90 bu/ac. Cover crops are emerging in some fields and others are having them drilled in after beans. Wheat has been in emerging in the last week. Corn harvest is in full swing for dryland corn with it nearing 50% in the area. Dryland corn yields, I have heard 100 bu/ac up to 220 bu/ac depending on the area.

Michael Sindelar
Extension Educator Clay, Fillmore, Nuckolls & Thayer Counties
Soybean harvest is 90% complete in the area. Soybean yields ranged from 50 to 95 bu/ac across dryland and irrigated acres. Some dryland field did reach up near 85 to 90 bu/ac, where rains came through. Corn is about 40% harvested in the area. Dryland yields are between 160 to 220 bu/ac, depending on storm damage and rain.

Amy Timmerman
Extension Educator Brown, Boyd, Cherry, Holt, Keya Paha & Rock Counties
Soybeans in the area are almost completely harvested. Corn harvest is in full swing with about 30% harvest completed, but I haven’t heard any reports on yields at this time. Moisture reports are across the board but being aware of ear rots and pulling out of fields with high moisture. Potato harvest is complete in the area. Seed potato production was higher than anticipated. Currently trying to get rye planted into these fields to provide erosion control during the winter. Fall planted alfalfa is emerging well under irrigation. Dryland alfalfa fields are delayed in emergence due to the lack of moisture availability. The dry weather is also impacting fall planted cover crops in dryland fields and pasture regrowth.