Troy Ingram
Extension Educator Howard, Greeley, Valley, Sherman, Garfield, Loup, Wheeler and Custer counties
The growing season got off to a rather slow start up here in Central Nebraska. A lot of seed sat in the ground for several weeks before finally emerging. As of today, it looks like 99% of the corn and soybeans are up. We had a rather intense line of thunderstorms roll through the area last night. I did not see much damage. We had anywhere from 0.10” to 1.50” of rain.
Corn is anywhere from VE – V4, a good majority of it is in that V2 stage. Soybeans are anywhere from VE – V2. Growers are getting ready to side dress and some post emerge herbicide applications are being made.
The first cutting of alfalfa is also about 50% complete. A lot of growers commenting on poor quality due to frost and alfalfa weevil damage.
We have good soil moisture levels here so far. The soil moisture sensors that I have in a Greeley County field are reading close to field capacity. I only found one center pivot that was running this afternoon on a recently planted soybean field.

Karen DeBoer
Extension Educator Cheyenne County
Winter wheat is heading and so far, it is relatively free of diseases. The peas look good for this time of the season. Rain is needed as parts of the county are still dry. Rains have been spotty this spring. (6/3/2020)

Ron Seymour
Extension Educator Adams and Webster counties
Corn: The crop has improved but is in some cases is pale in color indicating the need for sun. Most of the crop is in the v3 to v4 stages.
Soybeans: All but a few fields have been planted, most have emerged and are in the v1 to v2 stages. The emerged fields look very good but a few have some herbicide injury.
Wheat: Most of the fields are headed and many are blooming. Rains in the past week have significantly improved the crop condition. Striped rust was noted on the flag leaves of a few scattered plants in one field.
Alfalfa: Much of the crop is either beginning to bloom or at 10 percent bloom. Several fields have been cut and ready to bale. Southern Webster County fields have been delayed because of earlier frost injury. Quite a few alfalfa weevils in both the larval and adult stages were noted in a number of fields. Common leaf spot was also found in most fields. (6/3/2020)