View current and experimental wheat varieties in the field at any of the eight Winter Wheat Field Days being held across the state this June. In addition to variety trials and guest speakers, some of the field days will also feature other small grains or systems research. Following is a schedule linking to information on some of the field days. Additional information about individual field days will be available in CropWatch in coming weeks.
Each site will feature 25-50 released and experimental wheat varieties from companies selling wheat seed in Nebraska and from public breeding programs such as the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Kansas State, Colorado State and University of Wyoming. Participants will see existing varieties under production as well as new commercial varieties and new experimental lines potentially tagged for Nebraska release. The field days will allow participants to compare varieties grown under field conditions. In addition to wheat, some field day sites will feature other crops such as pea, cover crops, forages, and canola and one includes a field experiment with nitrogen fertilizer in wheat.
Field day locations are diverse and include growing conditions varying in rainfall, soil, tillage, crop input and management, and rotation, to name a few. Speakers and topics will vary by location to address local production constraints and producer issues, except for two speakers who will speak at most sites. Stephen Baenziger, UNL wheat breeder and Eugene W. Price Distinguished professor, will talk about wheat yields and attributes of the varieties tested. Stephen Wegulo, Nebraska Extension plant pathologist, will discuss cultivar disease resistance, epidemiology, and suggested wheat disease management with respect to the varieties at the location tested.
All tours are free and participants can register at the tour site, except when pre-registration is requested by the local organizer, as indicated in individual event stories.
Support for the wheat program is provided, in part, by the Nebraska Wheat Board.
2019 Wheat & Pea Field Day Schedule
Watch for individual stories for more details.
Thursday, June 13 – near Fairbury, Winter Wheat Variety Plot Tour, starting at 6:30 p.m.; hosted by Mark Knobel. Topics: wheat varieties, disease and fertility management, and a study on enhancing protein content.
Contact: Randy Pryor, 402-821-2151,
Tuesday, June 18 – Eastern Nebraska Wheat, Pulse, and Double-Crop Field Day at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Education Center near Mead, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Also featuring field study of nitrogen and sulfur fertility in wheat.
Contact: Nathan Mueller, 402-727-2775,
Canceled due to recent weather: Tuesday, June 18, 3 p.m. – Wheat and Small Grains Field Day, North Platte
Directions: West Central Research and Extension Center, 402 W. State Farm Rd., North Platte
Contact: Chuck Burr, 308-696-6783,
Wednesday, June 19, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. – Wheat, Field Pea and Chickpea Field Day near Grant at the Henry J. Stumpf International Wheat Center
Contact: Strahinja Steponovic, 308-352-4340,
Thursday, June 20, 5 p.m.: Wheat Variety Field Day near Alma
Hosts Terry Woollen and Travis Woollen; 48 varieties of wheat
Directions: 5 miles north of Alma just west of the Hwy 183 and 714 Road intersection; or located 18 miles south of Holdrege on the west side of Highway 183.
Contact: Todd Whitney, 308-995-4222,
Thursday, June 20, 8 a.m.: High Plains Ag Lab (HPAL)
Featuring wheat, pulses, canola
Directions: Six miles northwest of Sidney; see map
Contact: Dipak Santra, 308-632-1244,
Thursday, June 20. 4 p.m.: Irrigated Wheat Variety Field Day at the Chris Cullan Farm, Box Butte County.
Directions: From Berea, go ¾ mile north on Hwy 385. The plot is on the west side of the highway.
Contact: Dipak Santra, 308-632-1244,
Thursday, June 20, 7 p.m.: Dryland Wheat Variety Field Day at the Chris Cullan Farm, Box Butte County.
Directions: From Berea, go north on Hwy 2 for 2.7 miles, then west on Hall Rd for 0.65 miles. The plot is on the south side of the road.
Contact: Dipak Santra, 308-632-1244,
Pea Plot Field Tours
Thursday, June 20, 8 a.m.: Cheyenne County at High Plains Ag Lab (Rainfed)
Directions: From the HPAL office, go 0.25 miles east on CR 32N, then north on trial road.
Contact: Dipak Santra, 308-632-1244,
Canceled due to recent weather: Friday, June 21, 9 a.m.: Pea Variety Field Day
Greg Hansen Farm
Directions: From Hemingford, go 7 miles east on Dodge Rd, 2 miles south on CR 62. The plot is on the east side of the road.
Contact: Dipak Santra, 308-632-1244,