For the week ending September 22, USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service reported:
Corn condition rated 3% very poor, 6% poor, 20% fair, 55% good, and 16% excellent. Corn dented was 91%, behind 97% last year and 96% for the five-year average. Mature was 37%, well behind 65% last year, and behind the five-year average of 56%. Three percent had been harvested, behind 8% last year, and near the average of 6%.
Soybean condition rated 1% very poor, 5% poor, 20% fair, 62% good, and 12% excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves was 55%, well behind 81% last year, and behind the average of 69%.
Winter wheat planting was 51% complete, near 49% last year and the average of 53%.
Sorghum condition rated 3% very poor, 4% poor, 14% fair, 69% good, and 10% excellent. Sorghum coloring was 93%, near 94% last year and the average of 96%. Mature was 22%, well behind 45% last year and the average of 43%.
Dry edible bean condition rated 15% very poor, 18% poor, 22% fair, 41% good, and 4% excellent. Dry edible beans dropping leaves was 84%. Harvested was 37%.
Pasture and range conditions rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 20% fair, 61% good, and 15% excellent.
Access the National USDA NASS Crop Progress and Condition report at