According to the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Nebraska report for the week ending September 15:
- Corn condition rated 2% very poor, 6% poor, 21% fair, 54% good, and 17% excellent. Corn dough was 97%, near 100% last year and 99% for the five-year average. Dented was 82%, behind 91% last year and 90% average. Mature was 19%, well behind 41% last year, and behind the 35% average.
- Soybean condition rated 1% very poor, 4% poor, 21% fair, 61% good, and 13% excellent. Soybeans setting pods was 98%, near 100 both last year and average. Dropping leaves was 22%, well behind 59% last year and 44% average.
- Winter wheat planted was 19%, equal to last year, and behind 26% average.
- Sorghum condition rated 1% very poor, 1% poor, 17% fair, 64% good, and 17% excellent. Sorghum coloring was 84%, behind 90% last year and 91% average. Mature was 6%, well behind 26% last year, and behind 23% average.
- Dry edible bean condition rated 10% very poor, 22% poor, 25% fair, 38% good, and 5% excellent. Dry edible beans dropping leaves was 61%. Harvested was 11%.
- Pasture and range conditions rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 18% fair, 60% good, and 18% excellent.
View the national report at