The UNL-TAPS (Testing Ag Performance Solutions) program will host a field tour on Thursday, June 27 at North Platte. The field tour is an informal setting for competitors, partners, and the public to visit the TAPS fields, as well as meet the project staff and visit with other attendees.
This will be a great opportunity for attendees to see both the variable rate irrigation system, as well as the new subsurface drip irrigation system that TAPS is using this year. In addition participants will get a chance to ask questions or discuss their plots with the project staff.
People can come when they can and leave at their pleasure anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The central meeting location and lunch will be at the gazebo located south of the West Central Research and Extension Center at 402 W. State Farm Road in North Platte.
If planning to attend lunch, please RSVP to