Soybean Gall Midge Emergence Update in Nebraska

June 21, 2019

Soybean Gall Midge Emergence Update in Nebraska

By Justin McMechan - Crop Protection and Cropping Systems Specialist, Robert Wright - Extension Entomologist, Thomas Hunt - Extension Entomologist, Aaron Nygren - Extension Educator

Map of soybean gall midge occurrence 6-21-19

Soybean gall midge numbers continue to increase at a number of sites in the state. In the northeast, sites have shown some activity, but numbers remain low. In the east central part of the state numbers have climbed sharply at some sites while others remain low.

See CropWatch articles on June 15 and June 18 before making any management decisions. Growers who have not had historical issues with soybean gall midge won’t need to take any management actions for this pest. Those with historical issues in adjacent fields should assess emergence number in their area and see the previously mentioned articles before taking any action.

For more information on soybean gall midge in Nebraska, please see

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