Extension Crop Reports June 18-21, 2019

Thistle caterpillar on a soybean leaf (Photo by Ron Seymour)
Thistle caterpillar on a soybean leaf in south central Nebraska. (Photo by Ron Seymour)

Extension Crop Reports June 18-21, 2019

Ron Seymour, Extension Educator in Adams County:  June 14 — Field corn was V5 to V6 stages, with numerous fields still chlorotic.  The soil continues to dry.  A few more soybean fields have been planted. Growth stages varied from VC to V5. Numerous plants had painted lady butterfly larvae. (See related story.) June 7 — Corn was V4 to V5 stage. There was quite a variation in the appearance of the crop. Many fields looked very good, but quite a few were chlorotic. The soil surface was moist in most locations, and still muddy in the lower ends of fields. Soybean stages were from VC to V2. Many fields still had to be planted. Most of the emerged beans looked very good. Several of the fields had plants with painted lady butterfly larvae. One field had 22 plants with larvae in 10 feet of row. Wheat ranged from flowering to milk stages. Fields were in excellent condition. A few brown stink bugs were found on the plants. Alfalfa was at 5% bloom; a fairly high number of alfalfa weevil larvae were found in one field.

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A field of corn.