A recordkeeping form for private pesticide applicators in Nebraska is available for free online. This form fits neatly on one page, includes all required parts of an RUP record, and can be printed as many times as needed. While recordkeeping is required for all restricted-use pesticide applications, applicators are encouraged to make records for general-use pesticide applications and fertilizer applications as well. Keeping detailed records can aid in decision-making throughout the season and from year-to-year.
- The Private Record Keeping Form can be found on this Pesticide Safety Education Program page under the Private Applicator tab.
A recordkeeping form for both private and commercial applications of RUP dicamba in Nebraska is available for free online from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. This form satisfies the advanced recordkeeping requirements for the following products:
- XtendiMax® (EPA Reg. No. 524-617);
- FeXapan™ (EPA Reg. No. 352-913); and
- Engenia® (EPA Reg. No. 7969-345).
The two-page form includes space to sketch a map of the target site and calculate the buffer distances required by the products’ labels. Also included is a checklist for spray system cleanout compliance.
- The RUP Dicamba Application Record (2019) can be found on this page under the Links and Other Dicamba Documents dropdown.
Note: There is no specific format required for pesticide application records. As long as the information required by federal and state regulations is recorded, records are considered compliant. The above forms offer applicators a convenient way to make and maintain complete records. In Nebraska, records must be kept for at least three years after an application.