Cover Crop Field Day Sept. 13 at UNL Rogers Memorial Farm

August 30, 2019

Cover Crop Field Day Sept. 13 at UNL Rogers Memorial Farm

By Gary Lesoing - Former Extension Educator Paul Jasa - Extension Engineer

Cover crop demonstration plots at the Rogers Memorial Farm
Cover crops help suppress weeds as shown here with a grain sorghum cover crop growing in wheat stubble on the left compared to no cover crop on the right. If you don’t grow something, Mother Nature will. The field day will show some of the benefits of using cover crops to control weeds, including marestail and Palmer amaranth.

A Cover Crop Field Day will be held at the University of Nebraska Rogers Memorial Farm Friday, Sept. 13 from 1:30 to 4 p.m.

Selecting the right cover crop for your system depends on knowing and meeting the goals for the cover crop. This tour will feature cover crop cocktails that serve specific functions. These functions can include early-season grazing, late-season grazing, nitrogen fixation, building carbon in the soil, diversifying mixes for soil health, reducing compaction, or making soils more resilient.

Speakers will include Extension Engineer Paul Jasa and Extension Educator Gary Lesoing. Jasa will discuss the cover crop demonstration plots and projects at the farm and Lesoing will address dry matter production and nutrient content of various cover crop mixes. The tour also will include cover crops growing in wheat stubble, cover crop recovery after simulated grazing, and row crops growing in the residue from cover crops.

The Rogers Memorial Farm is located at 18630 Adams Street, Lincoln. It's on the north side of the road, about 7.5 miles east of Lincoln, 2 miles north of Highway 34.

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