The University of Nebraska-Lincoln Panhandle Research and Extension Center will host a field tour on cheatgrass management research on Thursday, June 6.
The tour will be of the Panhandle Experimental Rangeland approximately 10 miles north of Scottsbluff on Hwy 71. It will start at 9 a.m. in the east parking lot at the UNL Panhandle Research and Extension Center, 4502 Ave I, Scottsbluff, and progress to the rangeland. The our is expected to end at noon.
This informal tour will be a follow-up to the 2018 tour and include visits to multi-year test plots with research trials on new herbicide options, discussion on the preliminary results of these trials, and a question-and-answer session.
Research trials include:
- a comparison of Esplanade, Matrix, and Plateau herbicide treatments at different timings and rates;
- bio-control with a soil bacterial amendment;
- mowing to reduce seed production; and
- early-season grazing to manage cheatgrass production.
The tour is free. For more information contact UNL Range and Forage Management Specialist Mitch Stephenson (, 307-321-5827). Doughnuts and coffee will be provided by the university's Panhandle Range and Forage Program.