Alerts Available for Tracking Soybean Gall Midge

Alerts Available for Tracking Soybean Gall Midge

Soybean gall midge traps
Traps have been set to capture soybean gall midge adults in eastern Nebraska.

University researchers in Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, and Minnesota have put out traps for soybean gall midge adults and established an alert system for growers and applicators.

If you would like to be notified when and where first emergence occurs, email Justin McMechan ( with your name, cell phone number (for texts), or email. You can also follow McMechan on Twitter at @justinmcmechan to stay informed about soybean gall midge reports in Nebraska. Updates will also be published in CropWatch.

Knowing where this crop pest is emerging can help growers better plan and target insecticide applications. The soybean gall midge is a relatively new pest in Midwest soybeans and researchers are still working to better understand its life cycle and treatment. Extensive trapping this summer will help provide key information.

DNA Confirms It’s a New Species

In 2018 soybean gall midge was identified as a new species of gall midge, Resseliella maxima Gagne, partly based on research in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

The soybean gall midge was first found in Nebraska in 2011 in late-season hailed fields and moved into the spotlight in late June 2018 when growers started reporting significant soybean damage and death from a new pest in Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. Further surveys found the soybean gall midge in 66 counties in four states (including Minnesota). In Nebraska all reports were in the eastern part of the state, extending from counties along the Missouri River westward.

For more information on soybean gall midge in Nebraska, please see

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