Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference Set for Feb. 14

January 11, 2019

Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference Set for Feb. 14

A field of cover crops
David Montgomery
David Montgomery
Jay Fuhrer
Jay Fuhrer
Ray Ward
Ray Ward
Scott Heinemann
Scott Heinemann
Jeff Steffen
Jeff Steffen

There are many benefits to using cover crops, such as improved soil heath and reduced erosion. It’s the details of how and what to do that can present challenges. The Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference will provide information to growers who are just getting started with cover crops and to those who are already making cover crops part of their operation.

The conference will be Thursday, Feb. 14 at the University of Nebraska Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead from 9 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. with registration beginning at 8:30 a.m. 

“At the conference this year we have a few speakers who are considered “rock stars” when it comes to their knowledge and expertise as it relates to soil," said Nebraska Extension Educator Keith Glewen. "I’m very confident that those who attend will leave with a better understanding and appreciation of soil and management factors that impact soil quality.”

Topics and presenters include:

  • "Growing a Revolution: Bringing Our Soil Back to Life," David R. Montgomery, professor of geomorphology, University of Washington;
  • "Rebuilding and Maintaining Life in the Soil," Jay Fuhrer, soil health specialist, NRCS, Bismarck, North Dakota;
  • "How My Farm Has Responded to Cover Crops and Crop Rotation," Ray Ward, founder, Ward Laboratories;
  • "Northeast Nebraska Farmer's Perspective on Cover Crops," Jeff Steffen, Crofton, Nebraska farmer;
  • "How I Graze My Cropland Without Owning Livestock," Scott Heinemann, Winside, Nebraska farmer; and
  • "A Farmer Panel" — Discussion with growers, landowners, and consultants.

Read more about the speakers and their experience with cover crops on the Cover Crops Conference website. Also see the program flyer.

Registration Required

There is no fee to attend, but individuals must pre-register by 5 p.m. on Feb. 8 to ensure meals and resource materials are available. Seating is limited. To register call 402-624-8030, email or use the online form at

This year's conference is sponsored by Nebraska Extension, the Nebraska Soybean Board, USDA Natural Resource Conservation Services, Lower Platte North Natural Resources District, and USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education.

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