Approximately 20% of the state's corn and 28% of its soybeans had been harvested as of Sunday, according to the USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.
Corn condition rated 3% very poor, 6% poor, 20% fair, 51% good, and 20% excellent. Approximately 85% of the state's corn was mature, behind 95% last year and the five-year average of 92%. Harvested was 20%, behind 25% last year, and near the average of 24%.
Soybean condition rated 2% very poor, 5% poor, 21% fair, 58% good, and 14% excellent. Soybeans dropping leaves was 91%, behind 97% both last year and average. Harvested was 28%, behind 38% last year and the average of 47%.
Winter wheat planted was 95%, ahead of 89% last year, and near the average of 92%. Emerged was 66%, behind 73% last year and the average of 75%.
Sorghum condition rated 2% very poor, 2% poor, 14% fair, 66% good, and 16% excellent. Sorghum mature was 82%, behind 94% last year and the average of 92%. Harvested was 10%, well behind last year's 31%, and the average of 26%.
Dry edible bean harvest was 87% complete.
Pasture and range conditions rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 14% fair, 59% good, and 23% excellent.