Videos: Controlling the Wheat Curl Mite and Viruses in Winter Wheat

August 30, 2018

Videos: Controlling the Wheat Curl Mite and Viruses in Winter Wheat

By Lindsay Overmyer - Master's Student in the Department of Entomology and Doctor of Plant Health Student, Gary Hein - Former Director of the Doctor of Plant Health Professional Program

Screen capture of video demonstrating spread of wheat curl mite

The wheat curl mite vectors three viruses to wheat in the Great Plains. The following videos provide information on how to evaluate and manage the risk from these viruses. The primary risk potential relates to mite presence and movement and is detailed in two of the videos (Wheat Curl Mite Time Machine and Spread of Wheat Curl Mites into Wheat—A Demonstration). A third video, Symptoms of Mite-transmitted Viruses in Wheat, demonstrates how to diagnose virus symptoms in volunteer wheat or in the wheat crop to assist in evaluating virus presence and risk. The final video outlines management options for controlling the primary risk factor, pre-harvest volunteer wheat (Surviving the Green Bridge).

Wheat Curl Mite Time Machine:
An Animation Demonstrating Mite Movement and Virus Impact

By Justin McMechan, Lindsay Overmyer, and Gary Hein

The wheat curl mite vectors three viruses to winter wheat throughout the Great Plains. This serious virus complex includes wheat streak mosaic, Triticum mosaic, and High Plains wheat mosaic viruses. This is a visual illustration demonstrating mite movement and the spatial spread of the virus. View Online.

Spread of Wheat Curl Mites into Wheat — A Demonstration

By Lindsay Overmyer and Gary Hein

The wheat curl mite vectors three viruses (wheat streak mosaic, Triticum mosaic, and High Plains wheat mosaic) to winter wheat throughout the Great Plains. This video presents a field demonstration that illustrates mite movement and virus spread. It was conducted at the High Plains Agricultural Lab near Sidney, Nebraska on June 21, 2018. View online.

Symptoms of Mite-transmitted Viruses in Wheat

By Lindsay Overmyer, Stephen Wegulo, and Gary Hein

The wheat curl mite vectors three viruses (wheat streak mosaic, Triticum mosaic, and High Plains wheat mosaic) to winter wheat throughout the Great Plains. This video demonstrates the sequential development of virus symptoms in the wheat field through the season. View online.

Surviving the Green Bridge

By Lindsay Overmyer, Justin McMechan, Cody Creech, Stephen Wegulo, and Gary Hein

The wheat curl mite vectors three viruses to winter wheat throughout the Great Plains.  This serious virus complex includes wheat streak mosaic, Triticum mosaic, and High Plains wheat mosaic viruses. Management of this virus complex must include the control over-summering hosts of this mite during the green bridge period between wheat harvest and emergence of the new crop wheat in the fall. View online.

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