Sorghum Field Days to be at Trenton and Farwell

August 16, 2018

Sorghum Field Days to be at Trenton and Farwell

Farmers examine a field or irrigated sorghum at a Sorghum Field Day near Trenton in 2017. This year field days will be held near Trenton and Farwell.
Farmers get out into the field to get a closer look at the hybrids entered in the 2017 Irrigated Plot on the Mike Baker farm at Trenton. Baker, plot coordinator, outlines his agronomic data and responds to producer questions. (Photos by Barbara Kliment)

Sorghum farmers are invited to attend the 2018 Sorghum Field Days Sept. 5 at Trenton and Sept. 6 at Farwell. Field performance of commercial hybrids, updates on markets, sorghum agronomics, and checkoff activities are planned for the program.

The field stops include both irrigated and dryland plot tours with management information from the plot cooperator; sorghum seed representatives will be available to share hybrid information.

The tour stops will also include a demonstration of the Bish SuperCrop® sorghum header, newly designed and created to cater to the needs of today’s farmers and harvesters. According to Bish Enterprises, equipment manufacturer in Giltner, the header is designed for easy pick up of down sorghum, while also achieving the optimal design for harvesting standing sorghum – while leaving a minimum of 15 inches of stubble in the field in both conditions.

After the field tours, a meal program will include a sorghum agronomy update from Brent Bean, director of agronomy for the United Sorghum Checkoff Program, and an update from the Nebraska Sorghum Board. Ag West Commodities will provide a market outlook at the Trenton location.

"We’re very proud to have Dr. Brent Bean, Agronomy Director for the United Sorghum Checkoff Program. Dr. Bean is a great resource for farmers as well as crop consultants," said Barbara Kliment, director of the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board.

Growers will also get to learn more about and get a taste of a new high-value market opportunity for sorghum — sorghum whiskey. Other growing market opportunities include human food, pet food, ethanol, biofuels, and industrial waxes.

Participating seed companies include Arrow Seed, Channel Seed, DeKalb, Dyna-Gro, Fontanelle, Hoegemeyer, NuTech Seed, Pioneer, and Sorghum Partners.

Planning and coordination of the event is under the direction of the Nebraska Grain Sorghum Board and Nebraska Grain Sorghum Producers Association.

For more information or to invite another grower, see the 2018 Sorghum Field Day Flyer.

Rick Kochenower, Agronomist, Sorghum Partners, discusses field performance of hybrid entries
At one of the 2017 field days Rick Kochenower, agronomist with Sorghum Partners, discusses field performance of hybrid entries and responds to questions from area farmers. This year's field days will also offer growers opportunities to examine and compare hybrid performance in the field and talk with agronomic experts and industry representatives.

Schedule and Directions

  • Wednesday September 5, 5 p.m. – Trenton – Mike Baker Farm

Irrigated and Dryland Plots: 2.5 miles north of Trenton to Rd 717; go west 3 miles

  • Thursday, September 6, 11 a.m. – Farwell – John Dvoracek Farm

Irrigated Plot: Off of Highway 92 at west edge of Farwell, go 2 miles North on Salem, 1 mile West on 15th Avenue, and 1½ Miles North on Tilden, turn left into field at the plot sign at the bridge

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