Troy Ingram, extension educator for Valley, Greeley, Sherman, and Howard counties: On the early morning of August 16 a severe thunderstorm containing high winds and large hail moved through Howard County. The majority of the damage occurred between Farwell and Dannebrog. Damage to row crop fields was extensive. There were also reports of structural damage to center pivots and grain bins. (Photos by Troy Ingram)
CropWatch offers information and videos to help explore post-hail options. Visit HailKnow or the index page for hail.
After a late-season hail storm, planting cover crops into a poor stand may help you reap benefits in the current year and set yourself up for success in the next year. Cover crops can take up applied nitrogen not used by the current crop and repurpose it for next year’s crop. Cover crops also can suppress weeds in poor stands and provide potential late-season forage. Learn more in this Hail Know video with Daren Redfearn, extension forage crop residue specialist.