North Platte River Surface Irrigation Projects and Power Generation

January 8, 2018

North Platte River Surface Irrigation Projects and Power Generation

By Gary Stone - Extension Educator

Pathfinder Dam
Figure 1. Pathfinder dam and reservoir on the North Platte River in central Wyoming. One of three major reservoirs for irrigation water storage and flood control for agricultural operations along the North Platte River in eastern Wyoming and the Panhandle of Nebraska. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Irrigation is needed in much of the Nebraska Panhandle to produce good crop yields.  Growers along the North Platte River valley rely on surface irrigation water from reservoirs in Wyoming to supply this water. 

A brief history of the North Platte River dams and reservoirs

  • When these were constructed
  • Where they are located
  • What purpose and function they provide other than irrigation water
  • Who manages the system
  • Water term definitions

Growers and the public should be knowledgeable about the irrigation system that provides much need irrigation water for North Platte Valley crops. They should also gain a better understanding of the other uses of the water resource flowing in the North Platte River.

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