For the week ending April 22, the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service reported corn planting in Nebraska at 2%, behind last year's 15% and the five-year average of 9%.
Nationally, 3% of the nation's 2018 corn crop has been planted with most states reporting little or no progress; however, Texas reported 60%, North Carolina reported 30%, and Tennessee reported 11% in the ground.
Soybean planting in Nebraska was at 1%, near last year's 3% and equal to average.
Winter wheat condition rated 1% very poor, 6% poor, 37% fair, 46% good, and 10% excellent. In the national report no national average of planted soybean acres was reported; only three states reported progress: Mississippi, 18%, Louisiana, 16%; and Arkansas, 10%.
Oat planting in Nebraska was at 46%, well behind last year's 79% and the average of 78%. An esimated 15% had emerged, well behind 37% for both last year and the average.
Soil Moisture. Topsoil moisture rated 2% very short, 18% short, 76% adequate, and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture was rated 4% very short, 25% short, 70% adequate, and 1% surplus.