A full-day flame weeding workshop will be held at the Haskell Agricultural Laboratory near Concord on Monday, August 13. The day will begin with registration at 9:30 a.m. and end at 5 p.m., and include lunch. The lab is at 57905 866 Road, Concord, in northeast Nebraska.
The program will cover proper flaming to control more than 10 major Midwestern weeds in seven agronomic crops (field corn, sweet corn, popcorn, soybean, sorghum, sunflower and wheat).
Sessions will include:
- Propane doses for weed control and crop tolerance data
- Research update on winter annual weed control with flaming
- Demonstration of a four-row comemrcial flamer with hood for broadcast and banded flaming
- Inter-row cultivation and intro-row flaming combined in a single operation
- Experiences with flaming shared by local organic farmers.
For more information about the program, please see the event flyer. All participants will receive a Flame Weeding Manual.
Attendance is limited to 30 and registration by July 30 is requested. The registration fee is $100 to cover the cost of educational materials; lunch is included for one. Lunch for an additional spouse/guest is $10.
Partial scholarships may be available to certified organic farmers from Nebraska.
For more information about the program contact Stevan Knezevic, 402-584-3808 or email sknezevic2@unl.edu. For more information on registration or the agenda, contact Dee Foote at 402-584-3837 or dfoote2@unl.edu.