July 19 Field Day on Using Drones for Corn Nitrogen Management
Dean and Deb Stevens of rural Falls City will be hosting a field day Thursday, July 19, to share the results of a North Central Region SARE-funded research project on using drones for corn nitrogen management. The event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The study evaluates the use of drone-based sensors to direct in-season nitrogen fertilizer applied by variable-rate aerial technology. Dale and Ronda Yoesel teamed up on the project which aimed to help local farmers increase nitrogen use efficiency, assess cutting-edge technologies, and improve management techniques.
This is an excellent opportunity to see how cutting edge technology can be used to improve nitrogen efficiency and economic and environmental sustainability of agriculture, the Stevens said.
This is the second year of this NCR SARE Farmer/Rancher Grant. As part of the grant, recipients are required to host a field day. Two weeks ago a drone equipped with sensors flew over the fields to determine nitrogen requirements. Nitrogen was then flown on with an airplane, using the nitrogen prescription developed from the drone. The application was followed by rain, which hopefully helped incorporate the nitrogen into the soil where it can be used by the developing corn crop.
Thanks to @Emi_Oestmann for coming & doing video to promote the #drone N management research project & upcoming field day! Just a little #dronie from the day! If you are interested in the field day, there is still time to register. https://t.co/grlh6DptC3 @ncrsare @glesoing2 pic.twitter.com/47n539IEA5
— Laura Thompson (@AgTechLaura) July 11, 2018
The field day will start with a welcome reception at 10 a.m. at the farm located at 70225 656 Ave., Falls City. The program will begin promptly at 10:30 a.m. There are no registration fees, but RSVPs are required by July 15 for lunch. To register email Deb Stevens at debstevens@sentco.net or phone 402-245-5842 to register. Seating is limited—register early.
For more information and directions and a map to the site visit: https://tinyurl.com/drone18 or Gary Lesoing, Nebraska Extension educator in Nemaha County at glesoing2@unl.edu or (402) 274-4755.
This program is sponsored by NCR SARE, Nebraska Extension, F&M Bank and Farm Services of America.
Field Day Program
10:30 a.m. — Resources and Grants Available to Farmers through the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program with Gary Lesoing, Extension Educator and Nebraska State SARE Coordinator
10:45 a.m. — Using Drone Based Sensors for Variable Rate Aerial Nitrogen Application on Corn with Laura Thompson, Nebraska On-Farm Research Network and Ag Technology Extension Educator and Dean Stevens
11:45 a.m. — Variable Rating Nitrogen from an Aerial Perspective with John Lueger, GIS/contract specialist, Heinen Brothers Agri Services, Seneca, Kansas
12:30 p.m. — Lunch Courtesy of F & M Bank, Falls City and Farm Credit Services of America
1:30 p.m. — Live Drone Demonstration with Nathan Thompson
2 p.m. — Optional Field Tour with Handheld and Drone Sensors (weather permitting)
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