Today’s farmers and ranchers not only have to be efficient with production practices, but also need to be well-informed about risk management and the economics of their business. That's why crop insurance, the farm bill and other farm policy issues will be the focus of the next Farmers and Ranchers College program. It will be held Feb. 23 at the Fillmore County Fairgrounds in Geneva. The workshop will start at 10 a.m. with registration at 9:45 and wrap-up at 3 p.m.
Speakers for the program will include:
Steve Johnson, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach farm and ag business management specialist in central Iowa; Brad Lubben, Nebraska Extension policy specialist; and Austin Duerfeldt, Nebraska Extension southeast regional ag economist.
Johnson specializes in education related to government farm programs, crop insurance, crop marketing, grain contracts, farmland leasing and other crop risk management strategies and uses the ISU Ag Decision Maker and Polk County Extension Farm Management websites in his training. He will highlight the 2018 crop supply/demand and cash price outlook, 2018 crop cost estimates and planted acreage; and the weather outlook. He'll also highlight seasonal trends for new crop futures and marketing strategies and tools to implement new crop marketing plans.
In addition to extension programming, Lubben teaches agricultural economics courses on campus and is the director for the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center. His integrated research, extension, and teaching interests include agricultural policy, trade policy, food policy, conservation and environmental policy and public policy. His presentation will focus on how the current ARC and PLC programs have provided substantial but declining support for Nebraska producers and the changes that lie ahead for these programs. He will discuss the new farm bill, due to be written in 2018, and other farm policy issues under debate in Congress.
Duerfeldt specializes in farm accounting, financial analysis, and taxation. As the Nebraska Extension southeast regional ag economist, he provides educational training on grain marketing, cash rent, land valuation, financial analysis, taxes, and negotiations. He will talk about the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (Farm Edition) in regards to S199A, depreciation, COOPs and other important factors that impact farmers and ranchers.
Ryne Norton, Fillmore County Farm Service Agency director, will provide local FSA updates and Brandy VanDeWalle, Nebraska Extension educator, will discuss farm financial success and ways to cope during difficult times. She'll share resources for handling stress in challenging times.
Due to the generous contributions of many businesses and organizations, the program is free. Registration by Feb. 16 would be appreciated to provide an accurate meal count. To register call the Fillmore County Extension office at (402) 759-3712 or email VanDeWalle at to register.