Jenny Rees, Extension Educator in York County: Rain was greatly welcomed in the area this past week with most of the area I serve receiving 2-4 inches. The rain helped the non-irrigated soil moisture profiles in the top two feet in Nuckolls and Thayer counties. I will post a soil moisture update to my blog this weekend. The rain was welcome for corn and soybean at stages 7-10 leaf and beginning flowering, respectively. Weed control is the best I’ve seen for a few years and the soybean canopy is closing better this year than last year in many fields (except in fields with off-target dicamba movement). There’s also quite a bit of herbicide carryover from corn and soybean on end rows and areas of overlap, particularly in non-irrigated fields or portions of fields. Calls about off-target dicamba movement to soybean came in over the past few weeks and farmers have been irrigating to help plants recover. I made a video on considerations and how to determine approximate timing of that off-target movement.
Megan Taylor, Crops Extension Educator for Platte, Boone and Nance counties: Corn is currently at V6 to V9 and soybeans are V1 to R1 throughout the county. Alfalfa and grass hay are showing strong re-growth throughout all the counties. Rainfall totals have varied with areas receiving from 0.5 to 1.5 inches. There is some water stress in parts of fields, remnants of the last several weeks of rainfall and continued moisture. Strong winds have caused leaning in corn fields, but no dropped stalks. It has been quiet on the insect and disease front here, but waterhemp and volunteer corn continue to cause concern.