Chemigation Training Schedule for 2018

January 11, 2018

Chemigation Training Schedule for 2018

Center pivot irrigating corn

Nebraska Extension Chemigation Training has been scheduled at a number of sites for growers needing their chemigation certification in 2018. Training opportunities run from January into the first week of June. Online chemigation training is available for recertification only.

Chemigation Training Schedule


Online Recertification & In-Person Testing

"Nebraska has been a national leader in chemigation research, application and training," said Bill Kranz, director of the Extension Chemigation Training Program and northeast extension district associate director. Other states have modeled their programs after Nebraska.

Participants will receive educational materials and training so they can properly calibrate the chemical system injection pump for the amount of chemical and water they want to apply, Kranz said. 

The training also will cover the evolution and application of chemigation from EPA's initial approval in the late 1980s to the Nebraska Chemigation Act and chemigation rules and regulations as developed by the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality (NDEQ). The Act allowed NDEQ to contract with the University of Nebraska to deliver training.

View the full Chemigation Training schedule for 2018. For information on certification and recertification training opportunities, and study materials see the Nebraska Extension webpage: Using Chemigation Safely and Effectively.

Information and Contacts

A list of Nebraska certified applicators and the year their certifications expire is on the NDEQ website. Select "Focus on Water," then click on Chemigation Applicator List. Applicators need to renew their certification every four years.

For more information about chemigation requirements in your area contact your local NRD.  If you have questions about the online training program, please contact the Extension Office for your county or contact Bill Kranz, Nebraska extension irrigation engineer and northeast extension district associate director, at 402-584-3857 or

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