Updates on university research on cover crops, cropping systems, crop residue removal, fertility and soil nutrition, irrigation, and pest management are among the topics to be featured at the 2019 Crop Production Clinics. Programs will be held at five sites across the state in January and include pesticide applicator recertification training.
"Individual clinics will be customized to address topics specific to that area of the state, allowing growers to get research-based information on the issues they face locally," Proctor said. For example, the eastern Nebraska programs (LaVista, York, and Norfolk) will include information on removing crop residue through grazing and baling and the potential effects of removal on soil nutrition and erosion. Extension Educators Jenny Rees and Keith Glewen will present these sessions.
At LaVista Extension Educator Nathan Mueller will discuss university research on winter wheat production in eastern Nebraska and UNL Agronomy Professor Andrea Basche will summarize a broad range of research studies that have evaluated the effectiveness of cover crops for controlling weeds. At the York and LaVista meetings Justin McMechan, extension crop protection and cropping systems specialist, will present on the soybean gall midge, a relatively new pest in soybean.
Greg Kruger, extension weed science and application technology specialist, will present on dicamba drift and highlight the most current research and recommendations to reduce off-target movement at multiple locations. Other topics will include double-cropping field peas, marketing, farm management, and agribusiness.
“We strive to provide practical, profitable, environmentally sound, high-impact training for agricultural professionals and producers,” said Chris Proctor, weed management extension educator and clinic coordinator.
Complete agendas and online registration for each site will be available at http://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc.
CCAs and Registration
Online registration is required for the clinics to provide meals and materials. To view topics and speakers at individual sites and register, go to http://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc. The cost for registration is $80, which includes the 2019 Guide for Weed, Disease and Insect Management in Nebraska, the 2019 crop production clinic proceedings with further information on the topics being discussed, a meal and refreshments.
A maximum of six Certified Crop Advisor credits will be available per day in these areas: crop production (two), nutrient management (one), integrated pest management (six), water management (one) and professional development (two).
Pesticide Applicator Recertification
The clinics will be the first opportunity of the year for commercial and non-commercial pesticide applicators to renew their licenses in the following categories: ag plant and demonstration/research. The crop production clinics also will serve as a venue for private pesticide applicators to renew their licenses. Representatives from the Nebraska Department of Agriculture will be present to verify attendance.
Pesticide applicator recertification training will be available in these categories: commercial/non-commercial in ag plant, and demonstration/research; and private applicator.
Join a Research Study
This year's Crop Production Clinics also offer an opportunity to participate in a university research study and be paid for your time. Simanti Banerjee, an assistant professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics, is studying producer behaviors in response to farm bill programs.
The study will take up to two hours. Average earnings from participating in the study are expected to be up to $100, depending on your decisions and those of other participants. All information collected is confidential and your responses are anonymous and will not be connected to your name.
[The link to this study has been removed or expired.]
2019 Schedule
Check-in each day is from 8 to 8:30 a.m., with sessions from 8:45 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Jan. 9 – Gering: Gering Civic Center, 1050 M St.
Jan. 10 – North Platte: Sandhills Convention Center, 2102 S. Jeffers St.
Jan. 15 - LaVista: LaVista Conference Center, 12520 Westport Pkwy
Jan. 17 - York: Holthus Convention Center, 3130 Holen Ave.
Jan. 23, 24 – Norfolk: Lifelong Learning Center, NECC, 601 E. Benjamin Ave.
(Two one-day sessions)
Nebraska Crop Management Conference
Jan. 28 & 29 – Kearney
Pesticide recertification and CCA credits are also available for this event, to be held at the Younes Conference Center, 416 W. Talmadge Road
View the Agenda and Register for NCMC