Last month, farmers and crop consultants from across the state attended the Nebraska On-Farm Research Results Update meetings. At these meetings, farmers who conducted on-farm research studies in 2017 shared the results of their research projects.
In total, over 80 on-farm research studies were completed, covering a wide range of topics from cover crops, to row spacing, planting population, starter fertilizer, and more. New technologies such as multi-hybrid planters and sensors for nitrogen management were also discussed. Attendees of the research meetings noted they appreciated having a source of unbiased research, the variety of topics, and the opportunity for interaction with other farmers and educators.
If you missed these meetings, you can still benefit from the research conducted by farmers across the state by downloading a PDF copy of the On-Farm Research 2017 Growing Season Results.
Become an On-Farm Researcher This Year
Do you have a question about your farming operation? Consider conducting on-farm research! There is still time to get involved in 2018 on-farm research. Contact your local crops extension educator (browse a list) or coordinators Laura Thompson or Keith Glewen to get started.
To learn more about the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network visit https://cropwatch.unl.edu/on-farm-research.