Stripe Rust Increasing in Nebraska Wheat

May 25, 2017

Stripe Rust Increasing in Nebraska Wheat

By Stephen Wegulo - Extension Plant Pathologist

Figure 1. Severe stripe rust in a wheat field in south-central Nebraska May 24. (Photo by Stephen Wegulo)

Recent rainfall and cool temperatures have favored development of stripe rust to severe levels on flag leaves in fields that have not been sprayed as shown in Figure 1, a photo taken Wednesday, May 24, in a grower’s field in Webster County in south-central Nebraska. 

Nearly 100% of flag leaves had stripe rust in this field.  Severe levels of stripe rust have also been observed in southeast Nebraska.  If wheat is at the flowering growth stage or has not reached this stage, appears to have good yield potential, and has not been sprayed, consider spraying it to protect the flag leaf.

The May 25 CropWatch will feature additional information.

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