The 19th annual Soybean Management Field Days, scheduled for Aug. 8-11, will focus on staying competitive in a global marketplace, increasing profits, and meeting the world's growing food and energy needs starting in Nebraska. The field days will offer producers research-based information to improve their soybean profitability.
The field days are sponsored by the Nebraska Soybean Checkoff in partnership with Nebraska Extension and are funded through soybean checkoff dollars. The efforts of the checkoff are directed by the United Soybean Board.
The event consists of four stops across the state, each with replicated research, demonstration plots, lunch and time for questions. Producers can obtain ideas and insights about the challenges they face in producing a quality crop at a profitable price in today's global economy.
Presenters include specialists and educators from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and industry consultants. Topics include:
- early season crop stress effects on production, insects and seedling diseases;
- maturity group and traits, cover crops and weed management;
- spraying new herbicide formulations in soybeans;
- marketing and policy outlook; and
- impact of tillage on seeding rates, evapotranspiration and soil factors affecting yield.
Agronomists and plant disease and insect specialists will be available to address production-related questions. Participants can bring unknown crop problems for identification.
The field days begin with 9 a.m. registration and end at 2:30 p.m. Free registration is available the day of the event. Dates and locations are:
- Aug. 8, West Central Research and Extension Center, 402 W. State Farm Road, North Platte
- Aug. 9, Tad Melia Farm near Ord
- Aug. 10, Jim Gerdes Farm near Auburn
- Aug. 11, Tim Gregerson Farm near Tekamah
For more information on the field days and driving directions to the sites, visit or contact the Nebraska Soybean Checkoff at 800-852-BEAN or Nebraska Extension at 1-800-529-8030