A roundtable discussion and demonstration designed to inform agriculture producers of opportunities to use drone technology in their operations is scheduled for April 6 at Harrisburg. The program will be held from 1-3 p.m. at the Banner County Museum.
Speakers and topics will include:
- Two area producers will share how they have used drones in their operation for cattle and crop management.
- Justin Reinmuth from Gering High School, along with his electronics class, will share their state-winning “Samsung Solve for Tomorrow” project that explores the use of drones in spot application of herbicides in agriculture.
- Bijeish Maharjan, soil scientist from the Panhandle Research and Extension Center, will discuss his ideas on using drones in ag research.
UNL Extension Educator Aaron Berger is facilitating the event. While the program is free, registration by April 5 is requested. To register, call the Nebraska Extension Office in Kimball-Banner counties at 308-235-3122.