New NebGuide on Planning the Transition to Organic Crop Production

March 8, 2017

New NebGuide on Planning the Transition to Organic Crop Production

By Rich Little - Farming Systems Research Technologist

Ridge cultivation in an organic system
Ridge cultivation in an organic system
Flame weeding sorghum in an organic system

Figure 1. Organic weed management practices using ridge cultivation (left) or flaming.

Nebraska farmers considering a transition to organic production will gain a broad overview of the planning needed to be successful in this new NebGuide, Planning the Transition to Organic Crop Production (G2282).

Cattle grazing in an organic rotation
Figure 2. Rotational grazing of angus cattle just before termination of a perennial grass/legume crop as part of the organic crop rotation.

The NebGuide identifies issues and outlines a path for farmers and their consultants to start the transition to organic certification. It provides Nebraska-specific guidance and on-line resources for:

  1. preparing to meet organic certification requirements;
  2. assessing farm resources;
  3. choosing a transition strategy;
  4. integrating a market-based strategy;
  5. developing a business plan and record keeping system; and
  6. developing a farm management approach for weed and soil fertility management, crop rotation, and integration of livestock.

NebGuide authors are Charles Wortmann, extension soils specialist; Richard Little, farming systems research technologist; Colin Kubik, former graduate student; Charles Shapiro, Nebraska Extension soils specialist-crop nutrition; and Charles Francis, professor of agronomy and horticulture.

Related Information

New Financial Assistance for Organic Producers (CW article): Beginning on March 20, 2017, certified organic producers may apply through the Farm Service Agency (FSA) for federal assistance for certification cost share reimbursement.

Find additional Nebraska Extension NebGuides, circulars and other publication at

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