Array of Topics, Training Offered at Nebraska Crop Management Conference Jan. 24-25

December 14, 2017

Array of Topics, Training Offered at Nebraska Crop Management Conference Jan. 24-25

Fields of corn and soybeans

From dicamba challenges and growing weed resistance to new technologies, cover crops, and more, the Nebraska Crop Management Conference offers the latest information to help Nebraska growers farm more effectively and profitably. Registration is now open for this year’s conference, which will be Jan. 24-25 in Kearney at the Younes Conference Center.

"This conference highlights high priority issues identified by Nebraskans in meetings across the state," said Chris Proctor, extension weed science educator and program coordinator. "Researchers, guest speakers, and extension faculty in a variety of fields will be providing focused, research-based presentations to address an array of ag topics important to Nebraska farmers."

"This two-day structure allows participants to engage in a lot of topics in a short time while also offering opportunities for participants to talk with the presenters or other farmers," Proctor said.

Session Line-Up

With 27 sessions participants can engage with speakers and other farmers around a number of timely topics. Sessions include:

  • The Dicamba Dilemma. Where Do We Go From Here?
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly when Spraying the New Phenoxy Herbicides Formulations in Xtend and Enlist Soybeans
  • The Rise of Multiple-Resistance in Nebraska’s Weeds and Effects of Dicamba Micro-Rates on Sensitive Crops
  • Getting Started with Drones in Agriculture
  • TAPS - Farm Management Competition
  • Nebraska On-Farm Research Network: Your Farm, Your Answers
  • Can Sustainability be Measured in Nebraska Cropping Systems?
  • Fix it, Don't Disk It: Controlling Ephemeral Gully Erosion
  • Effective Financial Resource Management
  • Economics of Variable Rate Irrigation over the Lifetime of the Equipment
  • Effective Grain Marketing in 2018

As well as the latest updates on diseases and insects reducing Nebraska crop yields and how to manage them and changes in the pesticide laws and applicator requirements.

View the full list of presentation topics for this year's conference and view the program agenda to schedule your line-up. Then register to save your place.

Among the guest speakers will be Kevin Bradley, a research and extension specialist in weed management of corn, soybean, and wheat at the University of Missouri. Bradley, who is studying the occurrence of off-target dicamba movement across the Corn Belt in 2017, will speak on “The dicamba dilemma. Where do we go from here?” He’ll look at some of the reasons for off-target movement following dicamba applications to Xtend soybeans and provide recommendations for how to move forward in 2018.

In a compact, two-day format, the Nebraska Crop Management Conference brings together experts from Nebraska and surrounding states to provide research-based information important to today's farming operations. Twenty-seven sessions offer information related to crop production, soil and water management, pest management, agricultural economics, and climate analysis. (To view the agenda and more detailed information on all the sessions, visit the conference website.) The conference also provides an opportunity to interact with farmers and ag professionals from across Nebraska as well as commercial and private pesticide license recertification, CCA credits, and chemigation training.

Anyone attending the pesticide applicator license recertification sessions will also meet the requirements for dicamba applicator training. Dicamba is now a Restricted Use Pesticide (RUP) in Nebraska and the additional training is being required for its purchase and use.


Registration is now open for the conference. Cost is $150 for the full conference or $80 for one day for those registering by Jan. 15. Cost is $165 for the full conference and $95 per day for those registering after Jan. 15. The fee includes all educational sessions, lunches, and recertification (if needed).

Up to 7 CCA credits will be available for one day or 14 credits for attending both days of the conference. The following CCA categories will be offered: soil and water management, nutrient management, crop management, pest management, and professional development.

For more information about the conference contact: Chris Proctor at or 402-472-5411.

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