2015 Crop Insurance Workshop Targets Risk Management
"Risk Management Decisions for Tomorrow" will be the focus of four crop insurance workshops to be held in the Midwest in November. The Nebraska workshop will be Nov. 11 in College Park in Grand Island at 3180 W. Highway 34.
Topics and Presenters
The event begins at 8 a.m. with registration and coffee, with the program beginning at 9 a.m. and ending after closing comments at 3:30 p.m.
The program is intended for farmers and ranchers who want to enhance their knowledge of risk management, as well as consultants, crop insurance agents, lenders, farm managers, grain merchandisers, and financial advisers.
Topics and Presenters
- Past As A Prologue — Lessons from the 1970s and 1980s with Allen Featherstone, Department Head, Ag Economics Department, Kansas State University
- Financial Picture at the Farm the Level with Tina Barrett, Nebraska Farm Business Association, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- How Insurance Will Use Technology and Big Data with Terry Griffin, Cropping Systems Economist, Kansas State University
- Market Outlook for Grain with Cory Walters, Assistant Professor Ag Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Market Outlook for Livestock with Kate Brooks, Assistant Professor Ag Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Eliminating Harvest Price – Are We Looking at Cuts in the Farm Safety Net? with Art Barnaby, professor and Extension Ag Economist, Kansas State University
Register online at http://cropinsure.unl.edu. Cost is $100 if registering more than five days before the event or $120 after that point. See program brochure for nearby accommodations and registration information and form.
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