February 2008
The 2008 Guide for Weed Management in Nebraska (EC 130) is now available from local Extension offices or can be ordered on-line.
The guide provides integrated weed management recommendations for a wide range of crop and non-crop sites in Nebraska. It includes herbicide options and efficacy tables by crop, specific recommendations for "difficult to control" and noxious weeds, pointers on sprayer calibration and maintenance, pesticide safety and more. It is a valuable resource for farmers, crop consultants, industry professionals, landowners, homeowners, and anyone else who manages weeds.
The 2008 guide has several new features:
- Efficacy ratings on new herbicides in corn, soybean, dry beans, sugarbeet, wheat, and turf
- An index to help you efficiently find what you're looking for
- An updated herbicide dictionary. This section provides product active ingredient, mode of action, application timing and formulations. It also gives a short description of the crops for use and weeds controlled
- Improved crop growth stage development illustrations
- Clearly organized adjuvant recommendations from the label for commonly used corn, soybean and sorghum herbicides
- Updated crop rotation interval and plant back timing for commonly used herbicides
The 204-page book is available for $5 or can be viewed on the Web in a PDF version. To order a copy online, use the Publications Shopping Cart.