Jerry Volesky - Nebraska Extension Range and Forage Specialist

Cattle in thunderstorm
Speeding up grazing during periods of precipitation and slowing down during dry times is a great strategy to use while adjusting for weather conditions.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage Options for Post-Harvest Wheat Fields, Grazing Strategies for Inclement Weather

July 7, 2022
Extension educators share insights on forage options for dryland and irrigated wheat fields after harvest, and how to adjust grazing during periods of both wet and dry climate.

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Alfalfa harvest
Proper care and management of first-year alfalfa now could have big impacts on cuttings later this year.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Toxic Plants, Managing First-Year Alfalfa

June 14, 2022
Tips for identifying and managing poisonous plants in cattle and equine grazing pastures, and harvest guidelines for getting the most from first-year alfalfa.

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Leafy spurge
Leafy spurge is an aggressive noxious weed that is difficult to remove once established. For optimum control, early detection and herbicides are recommended. (Photo by Ben Beckman)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Controlling Leafy Spurge, Timing Grass Hay Harvest

June 1, 2022
Extension educators share tips on determining water needs for cattle, options for controlling leafy spurge, and a grass hay harvest timeline.

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When selecting a summer annual forage to plant, base your choice primarily on whether you plan to use it for pasture, hay or silage. For example, this sorghum-sudangrass would be best used as hay, due to its yield and feed value. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Cool-season Annuals and Alfalfa Harvest, Selecting Summer Forage

May 24, 2022
The time to harvest cool-season annuals, perennial forages and alfalfa first cutting is quickly approaching. Read these extension tips to get prepared for spring harvest and summer forages.

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Silage making

Pasture and Forage Minute: Small Grain Harvesting for Forage, Management Strategies for Musk Thistle, Pasture Fertilizer

May 18, 2022
Extension educators review the pros and cons of harvesting small grains for forage this year, and share tips on how to control musk thistle and fertilize warm-season grass pastures. 

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Burned field

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing Management After Wildfire, Pasture Fertility and Cross Fencing

May 10, 2022
Extension educators advise on grazing strategies for areas affected by wildfire and drought, and review soil sampling techniques for an annual checkup on your pasture soil fertility.

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Cattle in pasture

Pasture and Forage Minute: Calculation Animal Units, Stocking Rates and Spring Turn-out Timetable

April 25, 2022
Tips on calculating the correct animal units and stocking rates for your operation after changes in your herd occur, and the best time and location for spring turn-out.

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Cattle in pasture

Pasture and Forage Minute: Spring Weed Control, Pasture Conditions and Alfalfa Irrigation

April 21, 2022
Extension educators explain why grazing could be your best early spring weed control method, review trigger dates to assess moisture levels and pasture conditions, and more. 

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